All Fishes ⇒ Fish Common Names ⇒ Common Names ⇒ N

This list shows all fish common names beginning with the letter N.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M   n  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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1. Nail Cory (i: 8, k: 0)
2. Naked Oto (i: 2, k: 0)
3. Namazu (i: 8, k: 0)
4. Namib HappyThoracochromis buysi (i: 0, k: 0)
5. Nana Rasbora (i: 1, k: 0)
6. Nanay Nugget Cory (i: 3, k: 0)
7. Nano Danio (i: 1, k: 0)
8. Nano's Whiptail (i: 3, k: 0)
9. Napo Pleco (i: 6, k: 0)
10. Narcissus Ii Cory (i: 15, k: 0)
11. Narrow-fronted Tandan (i: 13, k: 0)
12. Nash's Barb (i: 1, k: 0)
13. Natterer (i: 8, k: 0)
14. Natterer's Cory (i: 8, k: 0)
15. Ndweshi (i: 3, k: 1)
16. Needle Gar (i: 1, k: 0)
17. Neon Green Rasbora (i: 1, k: 0)
18. Neon HatchetfishChela cachius (i: 0, k: 0)
19. Neon Tetra (i: 4, k: 9)
20. Neosho MadtomNoturus placidus (i: 0, k: 0)
21. Net Pattern Bristlenose (i: 1, k: 0)
22. Net Tiger PlecoPeckoltia sp. (L218) (i: 0, k: 0)
23. Netted TetraHyphessobrycon reticulatus (i: 0, k: 0)
24. Network Cory (i: 12, k: 1)
25. Network Pleco (i: 32, k: 1)
26. Neuman's Rock Catfish (i: 2, k: 0)
27. New Guinea TandanNeosilurus novaeguineae (i: 0, k: 0)
28. Nga LampeyePlataplochilus ngaensis (i: 0, k: 0)
29. Nhamunda Tiger Pleco (i: 16, k: 0)
30. Nhamunda Zebra Pleco (i: 7, k: 0)
31. Nicaraguan Mosquito-fishGambusia nicaraguensis (i: 0, k: 0)
32. Niger Oto (i: 10, k: 0)
33. Niger TetraArnoldichthys spilopterus (i: 0, k: 1)
34. Night Cory (i: 1, k: 0)
35. Night Pleco (i: 13, k: 0)
36. Night Sky Pleco (i: 1, k: 0)
37. Nijssen's Cory (i: 14, k: 0)
38. Nijssen's Dwarf Cichlid (i: 1, k: 2)
39. Nile Jewel Cichlid (i: 1, k: 0)
40. Nile KillifishMicropanchax loati (i: 0, k: 0)
41. Nile LampeyeMicropanchax loati (i: 0, k: 0)
42. Nile Squeaker (i: 23, k: 0)
43. Nile Tilapia (i: 6, k: 0)
44. Nilgiri 'mystus' (i: 4, k: 0)
45. Ninja Tatia (i: 8, k: 0)
46. Ninja Woodcat (i: 12, k: 0)
47. Noel's Bullhead (i: 10, k: 1)
48. Non Spot PlecoSpectracanthicus cf. immaculatus (i: 0, k: 0)
49. Non Spot Rodent Pleco (i: 21, k: 0)
50. Nordestini Cory (i: 3, k: 0)
51. Norhora's Cory (i: 8, k: 0)
52. Norman's Lampeye (i: 2, k: 1)
53. North African Catfish (i: 26, k: 0)
54. North American Blue Catfish (i: 11, k: 0)
55. North American Flathead Catfish (i: 14, k: 0)
56. North American White Catfish (i: 4, k: 0)
57. Northern Four-eyed FishAnableps dowii (i: 0, k: 0)
58. Northern Glowlight Danio (i: 1, k: 0)
59. Northern Largemouth Bass (i: 4, k: 0)
60. Northern LongearLepomis peltastes (i: 0, k: 0)
61. Northern Longear SunfishLepomis peltastes (i: 0, k: 0)
62. Northern Longnose Cory (i: 16, k: 2)
63. Northern Madtom (i: 1, k: 0)
64. Northern Mountain SwordatailXiphophorus nezahualcoyotl (i: 0, k: 0)
65. Northern Pike (i: 3, k: 0)
66. Northern PlatyfishXiphophorus gordoni (i: 0, k: 0)
67. Northern Redbelly DaceChrosomus eos (i: 0, k: 0)
68. Northern RubbernoseChaetostoma sp. (L409) (i: 0, k: 0)
69. Northern Smallmouth Bass (i: 1, k: 0)
70. Northern SunfishLepomis peltastes (i: 0, k: 0)
71. Northern Thresher Pleco (i: 3, k: 0)
72. Northern Trout Gudgeon (i: 2, k: 0)
73. Northern Vampire Pleco (i: 24, k: 0)
74. Nose Spotted Cory (i: 1, k: 0)
75. Nose Stribed Cory (i: 3, k: 0)
76. Nosestriped CoryCorydoras sp. (C146) (i: 0, k: 0)
77. Nosestriped Zebra Pleco (i: 3, k: 0)
78. NsessStomatepia mariae (i: 0, k: 0)
79. Nukta (i: 3, k: 0)
80. Nyanza Barb (i: 2, k: 0)
81. Nyong Syno (i: 5, k: 0)