All FishesFamilies ⇒ Sisoridae

Common member of the family Sisoridae
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Pronounced Sis SORE Iday
Family Common Name Sisorid Catfishes
Features Many species have differing features within this large family. Generally a large fleshy adipose fin is present along with a deeply forked caudal fin. Some posses thickened membranes on the babels or suckermouth.
Common Names Sand sharks, Hill-stream catfishes, Moth Catfish, Asian Whiptails
Size Smallest 30mm, largest 64mm, average 47mm, most commonly 30mm. All SL.
Species There are 2 "species" in 2 genera in the database
Keepers 2 species (100%) are being kept by registered keepers
Distribution Asia

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Hop to next section Top Five Genera (by keepers)
1.Erethistes11 species(2 keepers)
2.Glyptothorax137 species(2 keepers)
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1.(i:20, k:2, b:0)
2.(i:4, k:2, b:0)