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Scientific Name Ancistrus triradiatus  Eigenmann, 1918
Common Name Bristlenose Catfish
Type Locality Quebrada Cramalote [Gramalote], Barrigona Villavicencio, upper Rio Meta drainage, Colombia.
Pronunciation an SISS truss - try RAID ee ah tuss
Etymology The name Ancistrus is derived from the Greek word agkistron, meaning hook, in reference to the interopercular odontodes that are hooked. This specific epithet refers to the three (tri=three) rays (radiatus=rays) or divisions of tentacles on its snout.
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Size 92mm or 3.6" SL. Find near, nearer or same sized spp.
Identification Mature males and sometimes females have soft tentacles (bushy fleshy growths) on the snout - this is unique to the genus Ancistrus.

A. triradiatus is an overall mottled brown that can range from golden to dark brown. The caudal and paired fins sport a pattern of darker markings that often merge to form wavy lines.
Sexing Typical for the genus with males possessing the so-called ''bushy nose''. Females also may have much smaller growths on the head but to a much lesser extent.
General Remarks Exported in large numbers via Villavicencio, Colombia for the aquarium hobby. Most likely occurs throughout the upper Rio Meta and in the lower reaches of Andean streams that feed the Rio Meta. Records from the Rio Magdalena and Maracaibo basin drainages are suspect.
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Distribution South America: middle and lower Orinoco River tributaries; Valencia Lake basin and Los Guayos River basin; southern tributaries of Lake Maracaibo basin.
Orinoco, Middle Orinoco, Meta (click on these areas to find other species found there)

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IUCN Red List Category Least Concern, range map and more is available on the IUCN species page. Last assessed 2020.
pH 6.6 - 7.6
Temperature 24.0-30.0°C or 75.2-86°F (Show species within this range)
Other Parameters Water should be well aerated.
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Feeding Thrives, and even spawns, on a vegetarian diet of fresh vegetables (cucumber, zucchini, squash etc). Will also except most any prepared aquarium foods. Meaty foods can be fed once a week to condition adults for spawning. User data.
Furniture This fish can easily adapt to most aquarium set ups provided it has a hiding place. A reproduction of its natural habitat would include driftwood and medium and small stones over a sand substrate.
Compatibility As with most Ancistrus, a great addition to almost any aquarium. A peaceful aquarium resident. It may tangle with other benthic fishes if there are not enough hiding places available.
Suggested Tankmates Appropriate with most community fish that aren't overly big or aggressive.
Breeding Easily accomplished with adult fishes. The male should provided a suitable cave that has only one entrance. Water conditions are not particularly important, but the best success is had in water with a neutral to slightly acidic pH and low general hardness. Females produce from 20-60 eggs depending on their size and become gravid every 4-6 weeks depending on diet.
Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
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Reference Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 56 (no. 7), pp 680.
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Last Update 2020 Sep 20 01:38 (species record created: 2002 Jun 12 00:00)