All FishesLoricariidaeHypostominaeAphanotorulus  |  | 

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Scientific Name Aphanotorulus cf. unicolor   
Common Names L109, Ecuador Pleco
Ecuador-sugemalle (Denmark)
Pronunciation ah FAN oh to RULE uss
Etymology Greek, aphanes = hidden + Latin, torulus, -i = muscle, little string. 
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Size 150mm or 5.9" SL. Find near, nearer or same sized spp.
Identification In Aphanotorulus, all species show clear sexual dimorphism and have a generally flatter appearance than other hypostomine genera. The posterior edge of the oral disc is jagged rather than smooth. Aphanotoroulus can be distinguished from Isorineloricaria by having caudal peduncles that do not become greatly lengthened with size and that are oval in cross section (vs. caudal peduncle proportions that get proportionately longer with size and that become round in cross-section), and by having small dark spots (less than half plate diameter) on a light tan background (vs. spots almost as large as lateral plates on a nearly white background.

All Aphanotorulus show clear sexual dimorphism and have a generally flatter appearance.
Sexing Males in breeding condition posses extremely elongate, bristle-like odontodes. These cover the entire back and sides behind the dorsal fin.
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Distribution Ecuador, upper Rio Napo
Amazon, Upper Amazon, Napo, Upper Napo (click on these areas to find other species found there)

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Breeding Unreported.
Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
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Reference DATZ 9/1992 p552.
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Last Update 2022 Jan 14 12:50 (species record created: 2005 Sep 17 00:00)