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Scientific Name Exostoma dulongense  Luo & Chen, 2020
Common Name
Type Locality Xiaojiang River main stream at Gulangba village, Pianma Township, Lushui County, Yunnan Province, China, 26°5'7.9"N, 98°35'12.7"E, elevation 1,561 meters.
Etymology Greek, exos = outside + Greek, stoma = mouth 
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Identification Exostoma dulongensis is most similar to Exostoma ericinum, but can be distinguished by the following characters: tip of pelvic fin far from anus vs. reaching when depressed; nasal barbel reaching or surpassing posterior edge of orbit vs. just reaching middle of orbit; greater preanal length (70.9%–80.1% SL vs. 67.7%–70.5%); and longer dorsal to adipose length (13.5%–23.8% SL vs. 8.0%–12.0%). E. dulongensis can also be distinguished from all known congeners by the following characters: adipose fin confluent with caudal fin and without incision; caudal fin weakly forked; 40–43 vertebrae; and pectoral fin extending to vicinity of dorsal fin origin.
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Distribution Xiaojiang and Dulongjiang Rivers, tributaries of N’mai Hka River, Irrawaddy basin, Yunnan Province, China.
Myanmar Waters, Irrawaddy, N’mai Hka, Dulongjiang (click on these areas to find other species found there)

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IUCN Red List Category Not Evaluated
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Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
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Reference Zootaxa 4802 (no. 1), pp 100, Figs. 1-3.
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Last Update 2020 Dec 24 06:12 (species record created: 2020 Jun 24 20:15)