All FishesNemacheilidaeSchistura  |  | 

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Scientific Name Schistura sp. `GARO HILLS`   
Common Name
Pronunciation shiss TOO rah
Etymology Schistura: Greek, schizein = to divide + Greek, oura = tail; an allusion to forked caudal fins. 
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Identification The genus Schistura is the largest genus within the family Nemacheilidae, containing at present about 190 nominal species. They are typically found amongst stones in moderate to fast flowing streams and rivers in foothill to mountainous habitats. The distribution area of the genus stretches from the Near East through the Indian subcontinent until Vietnam and southern China.
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ARN ref:6.55.669.5748
Last Update 2014 Jan 19 05:57 (species record created: 2014 Jan 19 05:57)