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Scientific Name Aspidoras rochai    Ihering, 1907
Common Names Guaramiranga Cory
Guaramiranga-pansermalle (Denmark)
Type Locality Guaramiranga, Ceará State, Brazil.
Pronunciation ass pee DOOR ass
Etymology Aspidoras: From the Greek aspis, meaning shield and doras, meaning skin; in reference to the bony plates. 
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Size 40mm or 1.6" SL. Find near, nearer or same sized spp.
Sexing Females grow larger and are more full-bodied, this is best observed from above the fish. Males will typically have more pointed as opposed to more rounded fin tips as they mature.
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Distribution South America: Coastal rivers in Ceará, Brazil.
Ceará State Rivers (click on these areas to find other species found there)

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IUCN Red List Category
Data Deficient
, range map and more is available on the IUCN species page. Last assessed 2018.
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Feeding Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning. User data.
Furniture Ideally substrate should be sand, but rounded gravel is an imperfect alternative. Avoid keeping over rough edged (chipped) gravel, this will increase this risk of damage the fishes barbels when it tries to dig. Substrate should be bordered with driftwood and aquatic plants leaving an open area for them to search for food and swim. The shade provided by overhanging rock work, arching bogwood, tall or floating plants are all that is required to settle these fishes.
Compatibility A peaceful, shoaling, community fish.
Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
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Reference Notas preliminares; editadas pela redaccão da Revista do Museu Paulista v. 1 (fasc. 1), pp 30 [31].
Registered Keepers There is no registered keeper.
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Last Update 2025 Jan 02 00:44 (species record created: 2016 Sep 05 22:50)