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Scientific Name Batasio flavus    Plamoottil, 2015
Common Name
Type Locality Kerala, Manimala River at Paduthode, India.
Pronunciation bah tah see oh
Etymology The genus name comes from the local (Bengali) name of the fish (batasio or batashi). 
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Identification The bagrid genus Batasio Blyth comprises of small, laterally compressed catfishes distributed in South and Southeast Asia, diagnosed from its confamilials in having large sensory pores on the head, a narrow mental region, a pair of posteriorly-directed processes on the anterior part of vomer, a transversely-elongated bar-like entopterygoid, and the metapterygoid in close contact with the quadrate but free from the hyomandibular (Mo, 1991).
Sexing Not known.
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IUCN Red List Category
Not Evaluated
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Feeding Is known to take processed food but prefers live food like blood worms, frozen brine shrimp etc. Needs sometime to gradually get weaned off live foods. Spot feeding will help in case tank mates are voracious feeders. User data.
Compatibility A peaceful species suitable for a hillstream biotope.
Suggested Tankmates Peaceful Cyprinids like Puntius or Oreichthys and Balitorine loaches like Schistura or Nemacheilus species.
Breeding Unreported in the aquarium.
Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
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Reference Journal of Research in Biology v. 5 (no. 5), pp 1800, Figs. 1-3.
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Last Update 2025 Jan 01 11:55 (species record created: 2015 Oct 02 10:54)