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Scientific Name Euchilichthys sp. (1)     
Common Name
Pronunciation u kee lick thiss
Etymology Euchilichthys: From the Greek, eu, meaning good, cheilos, meaning lip, and ichthys, meaning fish; in reference to the papillate, well-developed lips. 
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Feeding Although the mouthparts look highly specialized they will feed enthusiastically on a very wide range of aquarium foods, from chopped worm, through quality flake and granules to algae wafers and fresh vegetable matter. In the wild large specimens are reported to leave visible pathways on the rocks from feeding activities. User data.
Furniture They can be aggressive with each other, so more than one will need a really huge aquarium to avoid any one individual being victimized.
Compatibility Young fish have proved to be good tankmates for other fish from the area, some rapids-dwelling Cichlids successfully raising fry in the presence of the Catfish.
Breeding Unreported.
Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
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Last Update 2005 May 11 00:00 (species record created: 2002 Dec 15 00:00)