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Scientific Name Glyptothorax botius    (Hamilton, 1822)
Common Name Striated Bellysucker Catfish
Type Locality Hoogly River at Kalna, 23°13'30.0"N, 88°22'39.0"E, West Bengal, India.
Synonym(s) Pimelodus botius
Pronunciation Gleep toe thor axe - Bow tee us
Etymology The generic name comes from the Greek glyptos, meaning carved, and thorax, meaning breastplate (or the part of the body covered by it), in reference to the folds of skin comprising the thoracic adhesive apparatus. 
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Size 75mm or 3" SL. Find near, nearer or same sized spp.
Identification Sisorid catfishes of the genus Glyptothorax Blyth are benthic inhabitants of torrential waters of rivers and streams in montane and submontane parts of tropical Asia. The members of the genus are adapted to attach themselves to rocks and boulders against strong currents by means of a thoracic adhesive apparatus comprising grooves and folded pleats of skin parallel or oblique to the longitudinal axis of the body. The genus has a wide distribution, ranging from Turkey and Syria in the west, to India and China in the east, and extending further southeastward to Indonesia. With 84 nominal species, Glyptothorax are the most speciose genus of catfishes in Asia (Eschmeyer et al., 1998, Ng, 2005); 67 species were treated as valid by Thomson & Page (2006).

Glyptothorax botius and G. telchitta can be distinguished from congeners in northeast India in having a combination of large, prominent tubercles on the head and body, a thoracic adhesive apparatus without a median depression, and a very slender body and caudal peduncle (sometimes described as “spindle shaped”). Differs from G. telchitta in having a more rounded snout when viewed laterally, the presence of dark saddles on the body, a thoracic adhesive apparatus with broader folds of skin, a longer adipose-fin base and a more slender caudal peduncle.
Sexing Unkown
General Remarks See also Glyptothorax botius (Hamilton, 1822), a valid species of catfish (Teleostei: Sisoridae) from northeast India with notes on the identity of G. telchitta (Hamilton, 1822) Heok Hee Ng ; Fish Division, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan.
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Distribution Asia: Ganges River drainage.
Indian waters, North Eastern India Waters, Padma, Ganges (click on these areas to find other species found there)

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IUCN Red List Category
Least Concern
, range map and more is available on the IUCN species page. Last assessed 2010.
Other Parameters The water should be cool and heavily oxygenated with a good flow as these fish occur in hill streams. Anything above 25 C will hamper long term survival as these fish tend to wither away at higher temperatures.
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Feeding Is known to take only live food like blood worms, frozen brine shrimp etc. Spot feeding will help in case tank mates are voracious feeders. User data.
Furniture Fine sand for the bottom and smooth pebbles / rocks.
Compatibility A peaceful species suitable for a hillstream biotope.
Suggested Tankmates Cyprinids like Barilius and Danios and Balitorine loaches like Homaloptera species.
Breeding Unreported in the aquarium.
Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
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Reference An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges, pp 192, 378.
Registered Keepers There is no registered keeper.
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Last Update 2025 Jan 01 12:24 (species record created: 2007 Apr 17 22:03)