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Scientific Name Hypancistrus parkateje    Araújo, Ferreira, Monteiro, & Wosiacki, 2025
Common Name
Type Locality Região do Caju Amigo, almost in front of São João do Araguaia city, Rio Tocantins, Bom Jesus do Tocantins, Pará State, Brazil, 5°20'27"S, 48°47'18.3"W.
Pronunciation hype an siss truss
Etymology A contraction of the Greek hypo (meaning less than) and ancistrus, an allusion to the reduced number of teeth (particularly in the lower jaw) found in this genus. parkateje, a noun in apposition in honor of the Parkatêjê traditional Indigenous community near the sampling site where the holotype was collected (Bom Jesus do Tocantins, Pará, Brazil).
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Size 70mm or 2.8" SL. Find near, nearer or same sized spp.
Identification H. parkateje has a yellow-tan base color covered by a dark banding pattern on the lateral and dorsal surfaces; the width of dark bands is equal to or slightly wider than the intervening areas of yellow-tan base color. The snout is covered by a dark E-shaped oblique mark, and a thin light bar is present on posterior of head, extending across branchial opening. Dark vertical vermicular bars cover the lateral and dorsal body from pectoral-fin base to caudal peduncle; four dark bars in caudal fin. Ventral surface is pale or white from oral disk to urogenital opening. The species is known for possessing enlarged cheek odontodes reaching beyond the cleithrum and contacting mid-lateral plate rows (vs. odontodes being diminutive or not exceeding the base of the pectoral-fin spine).
Sexing Mature males have thicker first pectoral ray, more pronounced odontodes on the first pectoral fin ray and odontodes on the cheeks and/or rear of the body, and typically a wider head. Mature females are wider around the middle of the body, and much less noticeable body and fin odontodes.
General Remarks H. parkateje is similar to Peckoltia sp. L080 and is sometimes collected together with it.
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Distribution South America: Brazil, Middle Rio Tocantins.
Amazon, Lower Amazon, Tocantins, Middle Tocantins (click on these areas to find other species found there)

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IUCN Red List Category
Not Evaluated
Other Parameters H. parkateje is found in areas of river rapids with moderate water flow over a rocky substrate.
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Feeding Unlike the popular opinion of many other loricariids, Hypancistrus are more carnivores than algae eaters. This is backed up by a small and lightly toothed mouth that indicates they are poor algae scrapers. Provide small and frequent supply of mainly meaty foods such as dry discus food, bloodworm and even brineshrimp with the infrequent offering of flake or algae tablets. User data.
Furniture Sand, primarily rocks and optionally driftwood. Caves made out of slate plates, bamboo or PVC pipe.
Compatibility Suitable with most fish, as long as they are not too large or territorial about bottom-space.
Suggested Tankmates Small tetras and other similar small fish. Also Corydoras. Care has to be taken to ensure that they get enough food, as they can be a bit shy and slow to grab food when available.
Breeding All Hypancistrus are closed cave spawners. Males trap females in the cave, eggs are laid and fertilised after which the male guards them until the fry are free swimming.
Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
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Reference Journal of Fish Biology, pp Figs. 1, 2a, 3.
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Last Update 2025 Feb 23 03:32 (species record created: 2024 Nov 07 13:41)