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Scientific Name | Mystus pulcher (Chaudhuri, 1911) |
Common Name | |
Type Locality | Bhamo close to Yunnan border, Upper Myanmar. |
Synonym(s) | Macrones pulcher, Mystus pulchra |
Pronunciation | miss tuss - pool cherr |
Etymology | The generic name is probably derived from the Latin mystax, meaning moustache, in reference to the long barbels. It was first used by Scopoli in 1777 making it a very old genus that has included many catfishes from throughout the world at one time or another. From the Latin pulcher, meaning beautiful; in reference to the attractive color pattern of this species. |
Species Information | |
Size | 67mm or 2.6" SL. Find near, nearer or same sized spp. |
Identification | Fishes of the genus Mystus Scopoli are small to medium-sized bagrid catfishes occurring in South Asia. Roberts (1994) recognized Mystus to have an elongate cranial fontanel reaching up to the base of the occipital process, long maxillary barbel, very long adipose fin, 11–30 gill rakers on the first gill arch and 37–46 total vertebrae, about equally divided between abdominal and caudal regions. He included only eight species under the genus. Mo (1991) characterized the genus to have a thin needle-like first infraorbital, twisted and thickened metapterygoid loosely attached to the quadrate by means of ligament or a small extent of cartilage. Jayaram & Sanyal (2003) and Ferraris (2007) respectively listed 44 and 33 species of Mystus as valid. Distinguished by a long adipose fin and a pattern consisting of longitudinal stripes along the body, a dark spot in the humeral region and another at the base of the caudal peduncle. |
Sexing | Males have an elongate genital papilla in front of the anal fin. |
Habitat Information | |
Distribution | Asia: Myanmar and Thailand. Myanmar Waters (click on these areas to find other species found there) Login to view the map. |
IUCN Red List Category | Least Concern , range map and more is available on the IUCN species page. Last assessed 2009. |
pH | 6.0 - 7.0 |
Temperature | 20.0-27.0°C or 68-80.6°F (Show species within this range) |
Husbandry Information | |
Feeding | Readily feeds on live/frozen foods and other prepared foods. User data. |
Furniture | Provide plenty of driftwood and vegetation as hiding spaces.€ |
Compatibility | A shoaling species that should be kept in small groups. Ideal tankmates include larger barbs and rasboras in an Asian biotope setup. |
Breeding | Not reported. |
Breeding Reports | There is no breeding report. |
Further Information | |
Reference | Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 6 (pt 1) (art. 3), pp 20, Pl. 1 (fig. 4). |
Registered Keepers | There is no registered keeper. |
Wishlists | Love this species? Click the heart to add it to your wish list. There is no wish to keep this species. |
Spotters | Spotted this species somewhere? Click the binoculars! There are 3 records of this fish being seen, view them all. |
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Look up M. pulcher on Global Biodiversity Information Facility | |
LFS label creator ARN ref: | |
Last Update | 2025 Jan 01 11:54 (species record created: 2001 May 03 00:00) |