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Scientific Name Olyra longicaudata    McClelland, 1842
Common Names Asian Fighting Catfish
Bannertail Catfish
Type Locality Kasyah [Khasi] Hills, Meghalaya, India
Synonym(s) Olyra elongata, Olyra longicauda, Olyra longicaudatus
Pronunciation oh LIE rah - long gee cohd ATT uss
Etymology Olyra: From the Greek olyra, meaning a kind of grain (probably rye); probably in allusion to the shape of the fish. The specific epithet comes from the Latin longus, meaning long and cauda, meaning tail; in reference to the extremely long caudal fin.
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Size 110mm or 4.3" SL. Find near, nearer or same sized spp.
Identification The bagrid catfish genus Olyra is known from the Ganges-Brahmaputra river system in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent. It is also known from localities southwards to the Manimalai River in southwestern India and eastwards to the Mae Klong River drainage in western Thailand. The genus is a supported monophyletic group diagnosed by the following combination of external characters: anguilliform body; unossified first and second dorsal-fin elements; and greatly enlarged upper caudal-fin lobe.

Distinguished from congeners by the extremely long upper lobe of the (forked) caudal fin. The populations from the Tenasserim region in southern Myanmar and the Mae Khlong drainage in western Thailand may represent distinct species.
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Distribution Asia: India and Myanmar.
Indian waters, North Eastern India Waters (click on these areas to find other species found there)

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IUCN Red List Category
Least Concern
, range map and more is available on the IUCN species page. Last assessed 2009.
pH 6.0 - 7.0
Temperature 16.0-22.0°C or 60.8-71.6°F (Show species within this range)
Other Parameters Strong current preferred.
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Feeding Readily feeds on live/frozen foods and other prepared foods such as pellets. User data.
Furniture Tank should be furnished with rocks and one or two pieces of driftwood. The rocks should be arranged such that enough crevices are created for the fish to hide in.
Compatibility Compatible with most other community fish.
Congeners are extremely territorial and will fight, even when placed in a large tank.
Best kept in an Asian hillstream biotope with fast-water cyprinids (e.g. Barilius or Danio) and loaches (e.g. Schistura).
Breeding Not reported.
Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
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Reference Calcutta Journal of Natural History v. 2 (no. 8), pp 588, Pl. 21 (fig. 1)
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Last Update 2025 Jan 02 01:37 (species record created: 2001 Jul 03 00:00)