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Scientific Name Pseudancistrus sp. (2)     
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Etymology Greek, pseudes = false + Greek, agkistron = hook or barb. "False Ancistrus", meaning that it is like an Ancistrus, but yet not quite. 
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Identification Pseudancistrus is the only genus of the Ancistrini (former Ancistrinae) that lacks evertible cheek plates. Because of this characteristic, it has at times been placed in the Hypostominae.
General Remarks These pictures are of only two fish that were imported in a large batch of L067 from Altamira. It is thought they are a colour sport, but it is odd to find two such individuals. The fish are about 6cm SL. It should also be noted that many plecos with such patterns when smaller can change dramatically in terms of appearance as they age.
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Breeding Unreported.
Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
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Last Update 2006 Nov 16 04:36 (species record created: 2006 Nov 16 04:22)