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Scientific Name Rhinotocinclus loxochelis    Reis & Lehmann A., 2022
Common Name
Type Locality Creek in Jamanxim National Forest, Itaituba, Pará, Brazil, 08°23'45.7"S, 55°39'27.6"W.
Etymology Rhinotocinclus is a combination of the Greek Rhinos meaning beak or snout and Otocinclus, a genus of Hypoptopomatinae, in allusion to the conspicuous and elegant snout of most of its species. 
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Identification Rhinotocinclus is diagnosed from all other genera in Hypoptopomatinae by having the canal cheek plate on the ventral surface of the head posteriorly elongated and contacting the cleithrum (vs. canal cheek plate rounded or mesially elongated and not expanded backwards to contact the pectoral girdle).
Sexing Males possess a urogenital papilla immediately behind the anus, and a variably deep skin fold along the first, unbranched pelvic-fin ray (vs. both absent in females). Also, males possess a much larger nostril than females, causing the internarial distance to be smaller in males. The larger size of the olfactory organ of males also causes an elevation in the snout profile immediately in front of the eyes, which can be easily seen in lateral view. In most species, males also possess longer pelvic fins than females, with the males' pelvic fins reaching or almost reach to the anal-fin origin.
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Amazon, Lower Amazon, Tapajós, Middle Tapajós, Jamanxim (click on these areas to find other species found there)

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IUCN Red List Category
Not Evaluated
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Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
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Reference Neotropical Ichthyology v. 20 (no. 2): e220002, pp 77, Figs. 6F, 41.
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ARN ref:1.4.1551.8623
Last Update 2025 Jan 01 12:16 (species record created: 2022 Jul 10 09:55)