All FishesFamilies ⇒ Serrasalmidae

Common member of the family Serrasalmidae
Hop to next section Family Overview
Pronounced seh rah sal mid eh
Family Common Name Disc Characins
Common Names Pirhana, pacu, silver dollar
Size Smallest 58mm, largest 1080mm, average 264mm, most commonly 150mm. All SL.
Subfamilies There are 2 subfamilies in the database
Species There are 42 "species" in 15 genera in the database
Keepers 1 species (2.4%) are being kept by registered keepers
Distribution South America

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Hop to next section Subfamilies in Serrasalmidae (by species)
2.Undefined40 species(95%)
2.Myleinae1 species(2%)
Hop to next section Top Five Genera (by keepers)
1.Myloplus5 species(2 keepers)
2.Acnodon0 species(0 keepers)
3.Catoprion1 species(0 keepers)
4.Colossoma1 species(0 keepers)
5.Metynnis6 species(0 keepers)
Hop to next section Most Kept Species
Hop to next section Alphabetic Species List
(Chronological | Most Kept | Most Bred)
1.Acnodon normani(i:0, k:0, b:0)
2.(i:1, k:0, b:0)
3.(i:1, k:0, b:0)
4.(i:2, k:0, b:0)
5.Metynnis fasciatus(i:0, k:0, b:0)
6.(i:1, k:0, b:0)
7.Metynnis lippincottianus(i:0, k:0, b:0)
8.(i:1, k:0, b:0)
9.Metynnis mola(i:0, k:0, b:0)
10.Mylesinus paraschomburgkii(i:0, k:0, b:0)
11.Myleus altipinnis(i:0, k:0, b:0)
12.(i:1, k:0, b:0)
13.Myloplus asterias(i:0, k:0, b:0)
14.Myloplus levis(i:0, k:0, b:0)
15.(i:1, k:0, b:0)
16.(i:2, k:2, b:0)
17.Myloplus tiete(i:0, k:0, b:0)
18.Mylossoma aureum(i:0, k:0, b:0)
19.Mylossoma duriventre(i:0, k:0, b:0)
20.Ossubtus xinguense(i:0, k:0, b:0)
21.(i:2, k:0, b:0)
22.(i:1, k:0, b:0)
23.(i:4, k:0, b:0)
24.Pygocentrus cariba(i:0, k:0, b:0)
25.(i:2, k:0, b:0)
26.Pygocentrus piraya(i:0, k:0, b:0)
27.Pygopristis denticulata(i:0, k:0, b:0)
28.Serrasalmus altispinis(i:0, k:0, b:0)
29.Serrasalmus altuvei(i:0, k:0, b:0)
30.Serrasalmus calmoni(i:0, k:0, b:0)
31.Serrasalmus compressus(i:0, k:0, b:0)
32.Serrasalmus eigenmanni(i:0, k:0, b:0)
33.Serrasalmus elongatus(i:0, k:0, b:0)
34.(i:3, k:0, b:0)
35.Serrasalmus gibbus(i:0, k:0, b:0)
36.Serrasalmus hollandi(i:0, k:0, b:0)
37.(i:1, k:0, b:0)
38.Serrasalmus manueli(i:0, k:0, b:0)
39.Serrasalmus marginatus(i:0, k:0, b:0)
40.(i:1, k:0, b:0)
41.Serrasalmus scapularis(i:0, k:0, b:0)
42.Serrasalmus spilopleura(i:0, k:0, b:0)