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Scientific Name Tachysurus brevicorpus    (Mori, 1936)
Common Names Korean Stumpy Bullhead
Kochi-dongjagae ()
Type Locality Rakuto River at Ei-yo, southern Chosen, Korea.
Synonym(s) Pseudobagrus brevicorpus
Pronunciation trah key sue russ
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Size 92mm or 3.6" SL. Find near, nearer or same sized spp.
Identification Tachysurus can be identified by an extrascapular without a laterosensory canal, and a pterotic with a broad lateral laminar expansion. It is among the most speciose catfish groups in East Asia and its members inhabit habitats ranging from fast-flowing hillstreams to large rivers.

Basic body color is yellowish-brown with four saddles of black or dark brown. The banding is very regular within the species.
Sexing Males have an elongate genital papilla in front of the anal fin.
General Remarks This species' extremely limited range warranted the inclusion this fishes inclusion in the book, Endangered and Reserved Wild Species in Korea (1998) but it is not uncommon within that area, merely overlooked because of its small size.
Hop to next section Habitat Information
Distribution Asia: South Korea. Found only in the Nakdong River and its tributaries.
IUCN Red List Category
Not Evaluated
pH 6.5 - 7.5
Temperature 16.0-23.0°C or 60.8-73.4°F (Show species within this range)
Other Parameters This temperate water fish is lives in waters with a wide range of seasonal temperatures and can withstand higher and lower temperatures than listed for short periods of time.
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Feeding Nocturnally feeds on small invertebrates in nature. Adapts to a wide variety of food in the aquarium but is especially fond of blood worms. User data.
Furniture Most comfortable in aquariums with a sand base overlaid with larger irregular gravel. Also requires outcrops of large stones or driftwood that it will hide beneath.
Compatibility Peaceful, but nervous around large tankmates
Suggested Tankmates Occurs naturally with many small Korean gobies, bitterling species and loaches. Could probably mixed with small fish that can withstand an unheated aquarium such as white cloud mountain minnows
Breeding Breeding reported to occur between May and July in nature.
Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
Hop to next section Further Information
Reference Dobutsugaku Zasshi = Zoological Magazine Tokyo v. 48 (nos 8-10), pp 672, Pl. 24 (fig. 2)
Registered Keepers There is no registered keeper.
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Last Update 2025 Jan 01 11:56 (species record created: 2013 Sep 10 10:58)